My baby used to wake 6-12 times since 4 months, it has been so tough! The last couple of weeks she's woken 1-5 times. I'm not sure if it's her getting older, a growth spurt, she is teething but anyway I basically try to keep her in a routine. Roughly the same time wake up, meals, naps, bed time. Also I use white noise, make sure her room is completely dark. Tonight is the first time I've been able to pat her bum to sleep in the cot, normally feed to sleep and I just sat on the floor next to her cot shh occasionally and pat bum.
Couple of tips that have helped us: - if you aren’t already track naps to ensure age appropriate wake windows and daytime sleep (the huckleberry app is good this this) - work of self soothing and reducing sleep associations, I had to drop feeding to sleep but for some it’s gradually move to hands off soothing ie go from rocking to sleep then to patting in crib then sushing with no hands on contact to eventually being able to be put down to sleep themselves. - reduce any night feeds, my baby was habitually waking for feeds and when I started to settle him versus feed him he dropped the wakes, I did this gradually whilst upping his feeds in the day to ensure he wasn’t hungry. - if they won’t settle in crib, try the pick up put down method, put them down when they become really unsettled or cry pick them up as soon as they stop put them down again and repeat ALOT, gradually my baby got comfortable in his crib. Good luck!
Following as I need help too 🥲