What’s your routine like those who stopped napping ?

My girl doesn’t go preschool or nursery yet. Normally she still has nap but sleep time can b tricky, I think she’s somewhere in between trying to stop nap but that also means I’m hving to change her new routine now. Could you please share me your routine whose toddlers don’t nap, or even if they nap ? Please. Not sure how long to keep her wake windows
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My little girl hasn't napped in a long time. We tend to have dinner at 5ish, Bath at 6ish, bed for 7 😊 she still wakes up a lot through the night but then up for the day around 6.30 x

My girl wakes around 7.40am breakfast, school drop off, then she plays with toys, we eat lunch around 12pm, than she has screen time for 1h to 2h depending if I have to work etc. Then school run, dinner around 6pm plays with brothers until bed time that's around 8pm 🙂

Bath at 6.15 Bedtime between 7-730 and wakeuptime is 7-1.15 on nursery days, and on days off he’ll usually wake similar time or sometimes lie in til 7.30-8

my little one doesn’t go nursery or preschool either and tbh her daytime nap is mostly for me because she’s exhausting😂 i literally get in her bed or she gets in our bed and cuddle her till she sleeps so i can sleep too😂 we usually have a nap after dinner, so this is anytime between 12 and 2, and then if we’re lucky she’ll have anything between half an hour and 2 hours (yesterday we slept 1:30-4, was amazing) and then she goes bed at 9

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