Waking u multipul times a night

My 9 month old wakes up multiple times a night crying, I'm not sure what we're doing wrong or missing he has one bottle a night around 3am if he wakes before that we give him water to drink why won't he stay asleep like he use too, I need my sleep back
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Maybe he's teething? Or maybe he just needs you and wants a cuddle? The other night we were up every 45 mins, last night we were up at 1am and 3am and tonight I've been woken up twice.... So far 👀 She's going through a leap AND teething. Just got to hang in there mumma! (My baby is 9 months too). She used to sleep for 14 hours straight, this hasn't happened for months now! Just remember it won't be forever, they're only young for a moment! (Even though it feels lonnnng 😅)

Glad to know someone understands and your right it won't last for ever but right now it just feels like it

It could be so many different reasons it’s difficult I know. My daughter 11 months has been up and down every other night. Regardless of what we do. Some nights she’ll sleep through and have a bottle at midnight then up. Either 6/7. Sometimes it’s 12 wake up 2/4/6 she some times kept my partner up from 12-5am before more than once. If they’re going through a leap it can cause it. Learning new skills. Teething had wind need a poo so many thines but you’re not doing anything g wrong!!!!! Apparently at 12-18 months they start to actually sleep trough the night …… xx

Ohhh I really hope he does start sleeping thought, I'm so tired , in trying the cry it out method he was crying for a hour and. A hour I don't know what other methods to try

I feel your frustration don’t worry!!!! I know I know. Trying to look after him while so tired and exhausted it’s hard but all you have to do is ride it out!!! You can do it. Have you tried laying in the floor or your bed? What I do is I’ll lay in my bed with her and she’ll roll around and get comfy 2 nights ago she feel asleep within 5 minutes and slept till 6 the bottle then sleep till 8. You have have to try what works for you nd him.

My LB is 9 months and has never slept through….EVER 🥺 I’m lucky if he stirs once. Last night he was up for at 1:30 for about 10 mins, an hour at 2am, and then up from 5:30. I don’t think I’ll ever recover and my eye bags make me want to cry 🤣

Give him some good quality fats before bedtime. A spoon of grass fed butter works wonders for my baby and lots of my friends babies!

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