Just hand express at 36 weeks. Don't pump because the stimulation could induce early labor. I got quite a bit hand expressing before my first. I would definitely recommend collector tubes as well, its hard to syringe it
It's not advised to pump for colostrum. However you can start hand expressing from 36-37 weeks. Just don't get disheartened if you struggle to get much or any. It's not an easy task before birth. After birth it flows!
There’s nothing saying that you need to get colostrum before baby is born.
I started at 37 weeks and I never managed to get much (1.5ml at a time), even expressing everyday. So please don’t feel disappointed if you only get a few mls a day, every drop is precious.
37 weeks. Hand expressing is recommended over pumping tho. Colostrum is quick thick and generally in small quantities which can clog a pump x