Epilepsy and Pregnancy

Hi Mums, I am 34 weeks pregnant with my baby boy:) I am due beginning of March and suffering of epilepsy since the age of 19.I am a bit concern about coming back home and having seizures due to a lack of sleep and stress. I am living with my partner's parents atm and I would like to explain them exactly what to do with me and the baby if something happen. Although I know how to explain and make them aware of the situation I was wondering if any of you has experienced something similar and if you consult any website or book that can help them to understand fully. I know there are many out there including Epilepsy Society website but just wondering if you are using a different one.My parents are coming for a short period too but they live in Italy.My mum is a head nurse so I completely trust her on how to assist me but I am just a bit worried about the other part of the family. Thanks a lot for any advice!
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Hiya. I’m epileptic too. This is one of my worries as well. I’d definitely check out the Epilepsy Society (which you know of). Epilepsy Action and St John’s Ambulance are also good websites to check out. Are you taking any medication for your epilepsy? If not, please do ask for a prescription asap x

I’m not epileptic myself, but have cared for many epileptic children whilst teaching in an SEND school. Each child had an individualised care plan which outlined the steps to take if they were to have a seizure. Maybe it’s worth writing one for your family members, as if a seizure happens and they panic they may forget in the moment what you’ve asked them to do to care for you. Obviously the plan looks different for everyone, but an example might be something along the lines of; - type of seizure and how you present eg, tonic clonic- drop to floor, involuntary leg movements - start timing the seizure and monitor your airways / breathing - after X minutes, administer medication (detail name, where it’s kept, dosage, how to administer) - after X minutes phone ambulance Also may be worth investing in a fall bracelet that alarms if you were to have a seizure (depending on your seizure type) just as added security xxx

@Charletta thanks for the info.I am taking medication since the age of 19 and the last major seizure was in 2017 so very luck,but still have small one though:/

@Louise I think I am gonna put in practise your advice so they can have something written and take action in case.Thanks a lot

@Frá I do too. It is frustrating! Remember to keep yourself hydrated and do ask for some help if you’re running low on energy and need a nap. X

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