Saline spray + electric sucker. The bulb sucker didn't quite do it for my little guy, but the electric (rechargeable) one did! And he loves it. It lights up and plays a lullaby... He sleeps while I do it 😊
I agree with Veronica. Saline spray and electric suction....mine doesn't like it but keeping him safe is more important than him being upset for the few minutes it takes us to clear his nose out. Nasal congestion is one of the biggest causes of increased work of breathing and hospitalization in infants/young toddlers related to upper respiratory viruses because they are obligate nose breathers and can't clear the mucus themselves. I just get a big blanket, "swaddle" him, hold his head steady and go for it.
Nose Frida! I love it! Make sure you do not do it too often to not irritate your baby’s little nose
Oogie boogie stick with a saline spray or mist. Mine hate the spray but tolerates the mist. Spray goes down into their throat and she cries. Really bad mucus Frida nose electric aspirator. Works well but she cries bloody murder for that too
Saline spray and bulb syringe