Curious about this too. My son’s naps are not consistent at all, but usually takes an afternoon nap that’s a couple hours long and then falls asleep in arms/after feeding for maybe 15 mins a few times through the day. Sleeps around 11pm - 10am waking up 2-3x in that span.
Hey there! :) my sons naps are pretty random right now but he usually takes like 2 20 min naps & then a nap that’s 1-2 hrs long. At Night he goes to sleep around 8:30-9, wakes up for a feed around 3:00 & then sleeps until 8:00 AM
We get about 3 naps a day for a total of 3-3.5 hours, and then he goes to bed at 8 with 2-3 wakes to eat and is up by 7:30/8. My dude just hates to sleep
Following!! My daughter sleeps 4.5 hours during the day, 4 naps. My daughter has 1 night wake up, sleeps from 730/8-7/730, one wakeup anywhere from 2-530 am.