Struggles with sharing and taking turns

Hi mamas Do any of your little ones struggle with this? My daughter gets really upset when she needs to wait for her turn. She's not big on sharing at all either. She snatches toys from other kids hands a lot. Big screaming when we tell her to share or wait for her turn to do something when she's with other kids. She's an only child. Our childminder tells us she really struggles with that and it's getting me worried 😟 Not sure how to remedy this. Do any of your kids experience this too? Have you found ways to practice this at home?
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Yeah we had this for a bit, songs about sharing (cocomelon "wait your turn", annoying but helpful). And we bought a pairing game and played it at home and really emphasized who's turn it was, to try and help. I think they all go through something similar.

I was going to say as above get some games where she has to wait to take her turn. Our 3 year old loves snakes and ladders, connect 4, dotty dinosaurs (loads of the orchard games). If he had friends over we would discuss before what toys he wanted to share with his friends and what toys needed to go up to his room (special toys). We explained over and over that these were toys he was happy share etc. it worked pretty well. We will do that now, if I know he wants to take something to a friends house that is a prized toy - I say do you want to share it? Because if you take it you have to share etc. he is now pretty good

That's exactly what we have done Rebecca, honestly changing the language around things at this age is a game changer! I also second the orchard toys games, my son loves them and it's really helped him come on in many ways because of the variety x

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