Feeling defeated

I'm feeling rather defeated after today. If that's the right emotion for it. I was heading out for a baby walking group as it helps me get out and about, reminds me to take the dog out and allows me to meet new people. I got half way there (walking to the meeting site) to them have it cancelled because and I quote 'it's chucking it down'. I was already walking in the rain. It wasn't chucking it down it was raining and windy. It's wasn't bad. I'm really frustrated as I really struggling with meeting new people and this was my way of doing it plus it's somewhere I know kinda well as it's where I walk the dog anyway. I'm now feeling apprehensive about going again or even to meet new people. Some times I hate having mental health issues
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Tbh in future they shouldn't cancel and just let whoever wants to still go turn up. I'm so disappointed for you. I hope you were still able to have your walk!

@Sulekha I did still take my walk as I had the dog. Yes we got wet but it got us out which was needed regardless of the weather. I was a dog walking during COVID and have walked in all weather's. I even had to rescue my mums dog from a river bank after he got stuck during the snow (I climbed in the water to grab him). It's just frustrating when I was ready to meet people and they cancel at the last second

Where are you based hun x

@Lakeyiah down in Hampshire, UK

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