Let down!

No one really talks about how painful the let down is…is it normal? Like I have to pause a minute because of the pain. Anyone else?
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Oh yes, it's very not pleasant!

Yep completely forgot about it from when I bf my first 😭 makes my toes curl! but it definitely stops at some point, I just can’t remember when!

I’ve had pain with BFing and pumping since the start , but I can’t say I have a ‘letdown’ pain. I don’t even have a letdown feeling? What is the pain like for a letdown? I’m curious , to compare it to the nonstop various pains I’ve had!!

I don’t even feel my let down 😅

@Jessica soo lucky!! @Elle it’s the most strangest feeling, literally it feels like liquid coming down from your upper chest area into your boob….and that’s painful but once it gets to the boob, the pain disappears. And it usually happens like a few minutes before a feed weird enough

How odd!!! I’ve never felt anything. !! Like Jessica, I’ve never felt a letdown. (However I have baad shooting pains with BFing, and bleeding nipples, and deep itch (I think it’s thrush lol) ) so yeh not without pain but deffo never had a letdown feeling!

@Elle it's like pins and needles for me :) all over both breasts. Once milk gets to nipple it then goes away, probably lasts around 3 seconds

I’ve never had this too. Hope this settled for you x

been breastfeeding 28 months and genuinely have no idea what this feels like!

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