Bad baby class experience
Posting to see if anyone has been in this situation or been through similar…
I go to a baby class on a Friday morning and there are 9 of us at the class. 5 of us attended last months class so we already know each other. Since this month’s classes have started, I absolutely hate going. I feel like I sit there and nobody talks to me. I leave the class feeling so anxious and upset and this is the second week it has happened.
Everyone else seems to talk to each other and have a laugh.
I’ve been going through post natal depression and this is just fuelling it even more. I feel incredibly self-conscious and my self-worth is at rock bottom.
I just don’t understand because if I was at a class and saw someone sat on their own or no one was including them or they were looking anxious, I’d go out of my way to include them and make them feel welcome.
Anyone experience this before?
Hello this happened to me knocked my confidence massively! I thought everyone would of been so friendly but that wasn’t the case x