@Reem Omg all my girl keeps doing is telling people to shoo out of her face 😩 I told her I was going to throw her out of the window earlier if she didn’t stop the tude and then burst out laughing at how ridiculous I was being 🤣
“Threenager” - full of attitude and can be moany and emotional It’s going to be a long year! 🤦🏾♀️🤣
Mine cries over every tiny thing 🤯💀😭
Omg yes we’re having attitude issues here too 😩
Mines losing her cool because she can't be bothered to feed herself 💀 unless it's chocolate. Lesson learnt 😂
@Cindy god it’s tough being 3 🤣🤣
Yep same here my little girl cries and screams over everything and shes started shouting. She also doesnt listen AT ALL 🤣
My 3 year old is the same. He told me he was going to put me in jail today 🤣🤣🤣🤣. When he tantrums I just ignore it. When he stops I ask him if he is done and would like a cuddle and he always comes for one. Xx
My son is the same. He tells us to get away from him when we say something he doesn’t like. Agree with Cindy, consistently looking for snacks, but says no- I don’t want dinner, I’m not hungry, I don’t like this pasta.🤦♀️ I’m finding this phase the hardest so far( yes even over 18 months of waking every 2 hours ) as he simply doesn’t listen and argue back at everything and if he doesn’t get his way there is a whole meltdown.
my daughter is the same, the absolute worst attitude.. if were face timing someone she would always say hi and be super well mannered, now she yells and says go away and i dont want. 😕😕