I wanted 2, husband thought maybe 3. After having 2 boys, 2 unplanned c-sections, my oldest being a high functioning autistic, and now being over 40, we are done. 😂 ✂️ 4 is a good even number, you can always 1:1, and there’s not a 3rd to outnumber you. I do sometimes still mourn the thought of a 3rd. My boys love babies and would have liked a younger sibling.
Once we had our first, I knew we needed one more to keep her company and vice versa for him. As a therapist, I meet with little ones with multiple siblings who feel either left out or not enough attention from the parents toward them. I know that’s just my perspective but I know 2 is perfect for our little family.
I think you’re the only one who knows what’s best for you and your family. My husband and I are just now getting pregnant with baby #2 and we only wanted 2. I don’t know how I’ll feel after we have our second. Maybe I’ll be right where you are. I think you have to do what’s best for you and your family.
We stopped at one because we didn't want to continue to have to do fertility treatments. We also don't have any support and like our family dynamic right now.