How are we coping with comedian toddlers that are not funny? 🫠🥴

I feel like a terrible mom because my 3.5 year old has been super onto telling jokes recently so just... Every 5 seconds he says "mommy I have another joke for you!" And then says something random like "you forgot the onions!! Ahahahaha!!" And then he will do that exact same "joke" 20 times within 4 minutes... I always indulge him and pretend it's hilarious because I don't want to break his spirit, but omg.. anyone else live with a budding comedian?? 🤣
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Today I had “what do you call an octopus wearing a bow? A Christmas tree!” 🫠

@M N @Katrina GUYS. I'm done😭

Yes! My daughter likes to make up her own jokes. So she will say, 'What do you call a dog that eats shoes?' I do not even have time to say 'what' she just starts in! She says 'boxlarocks' 🙄 I'm genuinely sitting there repeating it over and over, trying to figure out what she means. Only for her to tell me she made up the word 🙃 Then continues to take a bow like she just finished her set on a comedy tour! 🤣

We're not there yet BUT my almost 2 year old is into hide and seek...but listen. She stands in front of me. Says find me. Covers her eyes. And doesn't fucking move. So I have to pretend to look for them until they uncover their eyes. OR she goes into her tent but pops her little head out and says, "mommy come find me" and pops her head back in. So I have to pretend to looked. She does this at least 30x a day 😭😭

When my oldest was about 5 or 6 somebody showed him yo mama jokes on YouTube (he's got 6 uncles, I'm not sure who the culprit was) and we had to listen to every variation of yo mama for a year 🤦‍♀️. He is 16 now and still thinks he's hilarious (he's mildly funny sometimes 😂)

My son doesn’t tell jokes but if he does something that makes me laugh for real, he then repeats that same thing literally for half an hour over and over again. I do indulge him but I wonder if I should be teaching him that he gets less funny with each iteration 🙈😂

@C my son loves hide and seek too! He says "you will seek and I will hide! I'm going to hide in the closet!" 🤣

@Rachel mildly funny sometimes is what I'll be hoping for in the future 🤣

@Jen girl... I'm totally starting to think I'm the problem by continuing to act like it's funny each time...

My daughter’s favourite joke she made up is ‘why does the donkey have no legs?’….. ‘because they are dead’. The donkey then gets swapped out for various other animals but the jokes the same every time, and she thinks it’s hilarious every time !

@Lisa this made me laugh out loud

@Kiersten 🤣🤣 then you gotta look everywhere else BUT the closet and be SHOOK when you find them in there.

@M N “know how you can put a bow on top of a Christmas tree” apparently 😂😂

This is so lighthearted and hilarious. 😂 💓it’s nice to see something like this pop up on my feed. Hopefully he’ll come up with a good one soon 😂

@C 🤣🤣🤣🤣omg SAME. Literally. My 2yo, he will laugh SO hard standing either right in front of me or right behind me. But I do the same as you.

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