First word!

Baby girl is saying her first proper word apart from mama and dada and of course it’s ’no’😭🤣 anyone else had any words and what are they?
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We have zero words 😬

@Gemma my stepdaughter didn’t say any words until she was 12 months, don’t worry🥰x

I keep looking up info on this! Because even tho our babe babbles and has said mama and da da online says it’s not their first word until it’s used for intention, used to refer to the same thing each time and it is not only used in direct imitation of an adult, there has to be some kind of spontaneous production. So my babe hasn’t pointed to me and said mama or to her dad and said dada so until that happens not a first word here yet!

My son’s third word was tractor 🚜 couldn’t believe it 😂 I should have known he’s 3 now and loves them. My daughters was Nan Nan 😂 xx

@Rachel that’s so cute aw!🥹x

@Tracie 100%, it’s just funny hearing them make these new sounds🥹🫶🏻x

Dada on repeat for 2 whole months 100 times per day! Now has transition to Dad. We also have hiya, hi, ta, yeah and nanna twice. Not even one mamma 😭 he is very talkative and interactive however we’re not even crawling yet!

Our little girl babbles mama, dada, buba pretty consistently & starting babbling something that sounds a lot like sheesh or shit. . . not 100% sure which one tho 😅🤣 Took her ages to find her voice and babble, was worried for a while about her progress but now she's always saying something 🤣

No words for us yet and he is 10 months next week 😕

@Charlie don’t worry! My stepdaughter was 12 months before she said anything🥰x

My second started staying things around this age, either echoing directly something someone said or what I assume is delayed echolalia. Artie has started doing it too, I’m curious to see if she will have a speech delay like her brother or will be advance like her sister or more average 😅

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