Also, the pull could be making sure you have laid down any other beliefs that are not of God, or any idolatry. He wants the throne of our hearts. Any area that we hold tight to, that we can't give up for Him...that's what we actually are worshipping. We have to die to self daily. Otherwise we are deceived into thinking we live for Christ. Ask Him if you have any areas that aren't really surrendered to His truth and Lordship. I'll pray for ya!
It could be a call to greater intimacy with the Lord…. Or it could be a calling to a specific ministry, assignment, or purpose that he wants you to carry out. But if you feel the pull then go to the Lord and he will reveal what it is to you! It may be as simple as repentance. You can recommit your life to Christ after being away, experiencing a healing or grand revelation. Being rebaptized is a personal decision, a public declaration of faith, I’ve seen people do it, like my husband (he was baptized young age) and decided to recommit his life after some lukewarm ways or people that have been away from the faith for sometime but desire to come back.
Even after baptism God wants a relationship with you! Relationships aren’t “add friend” then nothing, they naturally build over time. We might feel these pushes and pulls of God all our life as we get back in touch with Him ❤️ It sounds like God just wants to chat with you more!! Invite Him into your heart and sit with His word ☺️ I find it helpful to go to a physical church to pray, bc i know he’s present there in a special physical way
Maybe you are grieving with the Holy Spirit? I go through that for sure...I feel with my heart as well as a glimpse of the Father's...because of things I can't see happening around the world, behind closed doors, or yet to come. I can tell ya right now...God has been angered and expressed it to me after certain current events on the west coast. He's also not keen on complacency...thinking we've arrived when we are to continually be preparing for His arrival. Like the 10 brides parable. Ask Him what He is trying to show/lead you toward. He is calling up people to lead in new ways now...because we are in "new" and dubious times. We've gotta keep the lamps lit to see the way in which we are to go, according to HIS coming. 💛