Baby back to back

Has anyone vaginally delivered a baby that’s been back to back before? I’ve been advised to be prepared for the back pain it causes whilst pushing 🙃
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It is possible to deliver back to back baby. It’s not an abnormally. Yes, the labour will probably be longer and back pain can be strong ( and not just during pushing). List of babies turn the right way around though when the contractions start or even before labour. Look up exercise for back to back babies

@Jana thank you

My first was delivered back to back. Yes, unfortunately the back pain is something else. Even after an epidural, multiple I still felt the back pain. She needed suction to help turn her as she came out, that part I didn’t feel. But the back pain is very intense. Labour was 32 hours from waters breaking.

I had the most intense back pain. I also had to have my LG suctioned out but I asked for an epidural early. I was in so much it was so slowing down my labour. And making it worse. The minute I had my epidural and relaxed. I dilated much better. I was still in labour for 26 hours. I heard that being on all fours can sometimes turn them from not being back to back. Good luck :) xxx

I delivered back to back and was in too much back pain to get in the position for the epidural so just had gas and air. The pushing for me was nothing compared to the back pain during contractions. That being said my labour was 5 hours beginning to end with 3.5 hours in the hospital.

Yes, needed episiotomy because she got stuck and forceps but honestly that was easier than the contraction pain, epidural didn’t work it was super intense. Best advice I can give is get on your hands and knees and get gravity to help xx

I was induced with my first who was back to back and did not turn - he came out sunny side up.. felt like my back was breaking and I couldn’t get comfortable at all. They attempted to use forceps and vacuum but both failed & I needed an episiotomy to assist getting him out. Side note he did come out just under 4hrs after the pitocin was started but gas/air & pethidine did nothing to ease the pain

Hiya, yes my little boy was back to back when he made his appearance, there is back pain but I got through my whole labor on gas and air so I think it depends on your pain threshold x

We were back to back, just gas and air (never offered epidural). But somehow she turned during contractions. Couldn't do all fours as needed to monitor her heart rate as in distress, did need suction. As she's my first I've no idea if the pain was any worse!!!

Get them to get you a peanut ball! My boy was nearly 10lbs and I spent most of labour back to back. I got my partner to kick me in the lower back it was so painful. Eventually peanut ball did the trick (took ages and uncomfy) and could deliver him normally

I had a back to back baby and yes had back labour. No pain in my stomach all in my back. It was very uncomfortable but ended in csection they didnt realise she was back to back until after pushing for 2 hours and she wouldn't come out 😄 they then scanned me

Yup I did, only has gas and air too as I was neglected by the hospital staff and was alone during labor 🫣

The back pain is something else, defo be prepared and take all the pain relief you can!

I had my baby back to back, they didn't realise with me until his head delivered and was facing the wrong way despite me saying how painful it was! I had to monitored as his heart rate was dropping with contractions so was lying on my back I think pain would of been more manageable in a better position. I had gas and air and one pethadine injection by the time I was due another injection they said it was too late to have another

Yep 55hours from my contractions starting till birth, back pain was awful and labour will take longer I just wouldn’t dial ate ,

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I delivered my first back to back. As everyone else has said the back pain is SO intense. Tens machine worked really well during early labour but incredibly painful towards the end. Ended up needing forceps. 16 hours start to finish. X

I also had a back to back labour and the back pain was intense with no stomach contractions. I didn’t have painkillers but the birthing pool and tens machine helped so much at the start! Has anyone had further babies which weren’t back to back as I heard you’re likely to have your next the same??

@Emilie my 2nd was a totally normal (if a little too fast) labour. I was dreading it after the first experience with my daughter but I had a normal labour with just gas and air and no tears or episiotomy...anything! Pretty sure I did my time and had earned it 😆

@Emilie my second was much smoother and came out the right way, although he did pass meconium in utero. Like Vicci, a little too fast - he ended up with bloodshot eyes with how quick he came. I had him in 15mins of arriving at hospital and no time for any pain relief. But I did have a small tear and had a few small grazes. Definitely more of a breeze than his older brother 🤣 hoping the next one is just as smooth and quick

Mine was and had to get an epidural but before that the TENS machine and my partner putting pressure on my back was the only thing helping. Once I got the epidural it helped so much, wasn’t pleasant but I also have nothing to compare it too tbh as was my first birth

Yes took a long time….

And she was 5 weeks early so tiny. But the labour was 20+ hours and I only had back pain.

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