My baby

My baby is only 2 months he said his first word
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My girl is 3 months and since she was almost 2 months she says hi and I love you 🥹🫶🏼

@Victoria Aguilar awwww

He’s just making noises lol my baby does the same thing. It might kinda sounds like maaaam but they have no idea they’re saying anything and just making noises.

@Kelsey Saksa no he said mom I can hear it clearly

@Samantha it's the sweetest i love you ever😭

@Victoria Aguilar aww thank you love you to

@Samantha you’re so silly 😜

mine tries to say mum sometimes

@alyssa see everyone think they are to small to talk but there baby out there that talk and say mom and daddy

It’s literally impossible for your baby to say mom intentionally knowing what it means lol. They can make noises like Ma or Mom sounds but it’s not them talking and knowing what they’re saying

I’m sorry I can’t make anything out, I think you are saying he said mom? According to the comments. I didn’t read them until after i listened a few times so I wasn’t biased lol. First baby, you are obviously obsessed w him and in absolute awe of him and everything he does.. it’s in your nature. Just finding his little voice, cooing and humming away. My favorite phase, I have my 3rd right now, the same age as yours. We coo back and forth at each other it’s sweet.

@Amanda Brown yep I think it said it and my baby is just a fast learner

Mine is almost 3 months and yes he cries 'ma ma' when upset and I'm not near. Like actually 'maaa maaaa'. And it's repetitive. And it was the exact same with my daughter. She said Dada clearly much later but they both would yell ma ma. Whether or not it's intentional, they're calling me by their name for me and hell I'll take it.

You guys are SO silly 🤪

What 😂 babies can’t intentionally say words at this age. They are just making noises that coincidentally may sound like a word lol. I know we would all like a child genius but come on…

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@Jess EXACTLY haha

@Jess narcissism at its finest.

@Kelsey Saksa ‘my baby’s a fast learner’ 😂😂

@Tanisha that is so cute

Nooo I'm not at all saying my babies are fast learners or that they're special. But babies still cry for their primary care giver. Of course babies coo and gurgle and make all sorts of noises that mean nothing. But they also have different cries for different needs. Like 'nyeh' for hungry being one. When he cries 'maaa maaaa', he's clearly crying for me. Just like my daughter did. Who's second word was at 3 and a half months (Dada) and third word at 7 months (baby). She started signing 'milk, food, more, all done' at one year. At 23 months she can say over 50 words (Excluding so many animal sounds) and can string several words together. She also began to draw at 10 months, crawl at 6, walk at 11 months. She's in 4T at almost 2 years old. Everyone's kids are different. Some are ahead, some are just where they need to be and some are behind (I definitely was as a baby). And that's okay too! Because they'll all catch up to each other sooner than later. Literally in just a few short years. @Kelsey Saksa @Jess

My almost 3 month old weighs 17lbs, 8oz and is wearing size 4 diapers and 6-9 month clothes. We all got different babies, mamas.

@Tanisha that is true I am know what my baby said and everyone baby are different

@Tanisha yes we do thank you mamma I am trying to explain it to all the mamma out there

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