It can’t hurt to get a speech eval. Gestures are also a skills that can worked on with a speech therapist.
You should teach him sign language. My son signs "more" "food" "all done" but just mostly babbles. He tries to say thank you "te ta" but most little ones do great with sign language!
Same with my girl! No talking or pointing, just babbling. The pediatrician recommended ECI (early childhood intervention) and they did a free evaluation and she qualified. Now she is doing therapy three times a month and I’m able to help her.
We had him evaluated by SLP a month ago. We were told to practice with him and if things don't improve to come again in 6 months. We were also told that it doesn’t look like autism because of all his other social skills. However until he starts talking and pointing I will not calm down 😭😭😭 since that appointment he understands some commands better than before. But still I see it's not ideal
Do you practice any sign language with him? I started a bit earlier but it took only a week? Maybe. As long as you are persistent and get some kind of communication then that’s progress! The “more” sign is very easy, as well as “eat”. I’m working on a few more with my son (help and sleep) but he also doesn’t say much. Being consistent like doing the sign every time you say the phrase/word can help create a pattern for him and he can learn to copy you. I hope this helps ♥️
Actually in my country that is not a practice. He already made his own gestures, especially clearly for enough, so I don't want to push something different to not confuse him
My recommendation is to speak with your attorney physician. I have similar reservations and am having my son evaluated for speech delays this week.