Responding to name

Is everyone’s baby responding to their name? my lo is 13 months and sometimes he doesn’t respond to his name when i call him..i’m not sure if he’s ignoring me or developmental issues..he usually responds if i call him from another room to come to me so he understands the word ‘come here’ , i’m getting worried honestly..
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My son’s the same! Following to see other responses

I was worried about this but apparently it's normal for babies/toddlers to ignore you especially when they are focused on something else x

My daughters the same. Sometimes she answers, sometimes she doesn't. I just go with she's got selective hearing 😅 as it's usually when she's doing something she shouldn't that she doesn't answer her name x

My son is 13 months and he definitely understands his name. If I say where’s JJ he will point to himself. But he’s hit and miss when he wants to respond if I call his name. If his sitting playing with his toys and I say JJ i can repeat myself multiple times and I just get ignored more than half the time as if I didn’t speak. 😂 x

My son doesn’t respond to his name at all. I have flagged it with the health visitor but he is also behind on a few other communication skills x

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