Speech delay

My daughter had her one year check up She can say mama, dada, nod yes and no. I was told today that she might need speech therapy 😟 is anyone else’s little one also not speaking as much?
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My son does not say any words intentionally yet and his pediatrician was not concerned. They said non verbal communication also counts towards word so like growing, pointing, waving etc

👀 ours is babbling a TON but no real words (intentionally). Our pediatrician was not concerned yet at her 1yr appt in early January. She is clapping, high fiving, and some other nonverbal stuff too but mine doesn't even nod yes. I feel like not being able to be home with her is putting her behind because my husband doesn't do all the intense narration of his day like everyone says to do 🥲

My baby isn’t really talking yet either and my pediatrician said it was not concerning.

My son can only say mama, dada and “uh oh” And pediatrician said that was great. Can also wave and clap but not point or nod

My baby doesn't have any real words yet. She just says dada, mama, uh oh, TT (the dog) and some other babbling. The pediatrician was not concerned!

My son doesn’t speak or repeat and he’s 1 so shes probably fine

I think your doctor is being a bit overlay aggressive. My now 3 year old daughter wasn’t saying ANY words at 12 months, around 15 months she had a language explosion and then by the time she turned 2 she knew the entire alphabet, could count to 20, all her shapes and was making 5 word sentences. There’s nothing wrong with speech therapy but I’d definitely give your little one some more time before panicking

My son turned 1 on the 18th and says no words! Our doc wants concerned.

Definitely not concerning , mine only says WOW

I went to school for speech therapy. What your baby is doing is developmentally appropriate. Every kid learns things at their own pace. My son just turned 1 and he just started crawling, but his language skills are way advanced he is saying phrases already. Your baby might just be more interested in the physical stuff. My kids are lazy physically. My daughter that is 2.5 didn’t start walking till she was 15 months old, but like her brother, her language skills are very advanced. If you are concerned about it, and don’t want to dive straight into speech therapy, try having her watch Ms. Rachel on Netflix or YouTube. I am not a case manager for DDD, which is what early intervention is housed under. The preschoolers on my caseload that are speech delayed, I always recomend Ms. Rachel to.

Not concerning!!!! I read around 14 months they should say 1-2 real words. 12 months is absolutely not concerning yet.

What?!?!?! My pediatrician said only ONE word was expected at 12 months. My oldest was speech delayed and his doctor wasn't concerned until 15 months. Then he entered speech therapy. If your daughter has 4 words (nodding i assume counts since sign language counts) at 12 months then I'd say she's ahead of the curve!

I would find a new pediatrician.

@Martha this!!!!! My daughter is 13 months and she says mommy and daddy but that’s pretty much it and pediatrician was not concerned.

My son also doesn’t say any real words intentionally. Can say dada but doesn’t relay it as his dad. Can clap, high five but can’t say hi or bye yet either. Pediatrician also didn’t seem concerned at his one year.

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Mines not saying any words either. Just babbling. It’s normal :)

I’m shocked you were told that! You do not need to worry.

I’m so shocked that your doctor told you that. You may need to find another doctor. My baby can only say daddy and her doctor didn’t say anything.

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