It’s a phase that they do outgrow My son is 17m this month and it’s getting better. I do 1 minute time outs, set a timer and he’s getting use to the alarm sound means all done. I also tell him why. “No we don’t hit, do you want a time out? 1…2…3… ok time out”
Destraction anything that works for mine some times as he's really bad and it not only me he hits sometimes if I tell him no he'll hit who ever else is in the room. I started putting my hand up and saying hi 5 and stuff dnt work lot of the tike other times I hold his wrist when o no he's going do it and say no we don't hit hold it fee second and let go but again thos don't always work he as very little understanding at the moment so I just try different things
Struggling with the same thing currently so following this post lol