Next to me

Has anyone else’s little one starting moving around the next to me/ Moses basket. Obviously I put him feet at the bottom of the bed but he has now started either moving round, up or even to the side where he squishes his face in the mesh!
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Yeh my 12 weeks olds been doing this for around 3 weeks he always ends up pressed against the side. I posted something a few weeks ago and everyone said it’s normal and there’s a lot of babies who do it. I was so worried as the mesh starts higher on mine so he’s pressed against fabric but he’s OK and he can turn his head if needs be he’s stronger now he’s older with his neck so I’m slowly worrying less 😂 x

Ahh that’s good, I woke up at one point and he was side ways it’s so odd lol!

Mine manages to rotate about 45° and usually ends up pressing her face against the mesh side too, I think it’s very common

My first would end up sideways sometimes! My new baby often shuffles down somehow and ends up all squashed up at the bottom 😂 I think they're still not in control of their movements at all, so can end up anywhere! As long as it doesn't bother him, I don't think it's a problem

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