as a ftm mom of a 15 month old i completely feel you. mine is cruising along furniture and can take a couple steps unassisted but is still crawling over walking and gets mad if i try to get him to. i’ve had people comment about him not walking aswell and it hurts honestly. i’d recommend physiotherapy or just checking in with his paediatrician. we did both and they said completely normal they have until 18 months for this milestone and that boys tend to walk later then girls. try not to worry although i know how hard it is 💖they will walk when their strong enough and ready. your doing a great job. 😊
No nothing is wrong, my little one is 17 months next week and still not walking, he does steps across the room so is getting closer but not fully walking, and he’s literally only being doing steps the past few weeks xx
Also before my son was walking he didn’t have confidence in trying to walk and when I was at a friends house , she had a foot stall by her sofa and he started walking from sofa to foot stool and back , if you have one try letting baby stand between it and when they do start walking back and forward then move foot stool further away and put pillows either end incase they fall x
It’s still well within the average age to start ☺️ my little girl didnt walk until 17 months. She’s 26 months now and has fully caught up with her earlier walking friends xx
My little girl is 15 months and is also not walking, she is cruising and pulling herself to stand, she has taken about 6 unaided steps now but you can really see she does not have the confidence to go! Everyone also comments on it and it drives me insane and does upset me! No advice but I’m in the same boat!
My little boy didn’t walk until 27 months!! So don’t panic, like they all say they get there in their own time. I know it’s hard not to worry but it will come soon enough! 💖
I think as well people always talk about their children who do walk but you don’t always here of those that aren’t walking yet!
My girl was born 5th October 2023 and I was really worrying she wasn’t walking yet, she’s basically 16 months now and can do 10-15 steps on her own, I started to practise with her every day in the morning and the afternoon and now we are really getting somewhere! They will do it but when they want to not when we want them too 😂 My eldest walked properly from 11 months so I was freaking out but now I realise I was worrying myself for nothing! Encouragement and praise from mum is the best thing x
My little one only just started walking yet our close friends daughter started walking at 10 months. It’s hard not to feel like it’s something we’re doing wrong but like you said they go at their own pace x