My 6 year old was like this, this is probably not the story you want and kinda worst case. We dealt with it by taking her basically everywhere with me, rarely leaving her with her dad… 😬 she went to a child minder for a couple months at 1 and she hated it and then did a couple years at nursery which was damaging. She’s home educated and can do drop off stuff (we’ve tried, had professional help… still a no), she still hates being without me but is ok with her dad, aunt and one set of grandparents, it’s taken time and effort to build that up though. She needs to be able to trust the people she’s left with and most people have a tendency to brush off or ignore her worries which makes it worse (this is what nursery did a lot!)
My LO has really struggled with separation anxiety and stranger danger since 6 months. She Has been fine being left with Dad but anyone else has been a no! She started nursery on the 6th of Jan and I think it’s done her the world of good! There are still tears at nursery drop off but she soon settles & she appears to be more confident in social situations and around new people than before. We are still experiencing this but I think it’s getting easier. I left her with my sister the other day for the first time and after the initial separation from me she was fine! I think the best thing to do is keep leaving her with people you trust so she can learn that you will come back! It’s tough, but it’s just a phase and it will pass x
Have you tried a comfort teddy that smells like you? Sleep with a teddy or lovey and then spend the day with it so it smells like you and leave that with her. It'll bring her comfort. I'd also have her distracted in play when you leave and don't make a big deal of leaving when you go. Just a bye as if it's normal conversation with whoever is babysitting and then leave. That's what has worked with my little girl when I've left her with family to do things