Is anyone else's little one not walking yet?

My little one still isn't walking unsupported. She walks on her knees and is really fast which is why I think she's not bothered too much about walking on her actual feet. She'll also walk about quite quickly with her walker and pram but not on her own unaided. Nursery have said its holding her back moving her up into the next room and I'm really worried she'll be left behind. Weve seen a health visitor who said they weren't worried at all as she was still moving independently so there was no concern. Has anyone got any tips on how how to encourage getting her off her knees and on her feet?
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Hiya, when I was encouraging my little one to walk I used to stand him on his feet with his back to the wall and encourage him to take steps out towards me. Having something at his back stopped him squatting down and shuffling to me. It might work did kneeling?

Mine took her first unaided steps beginning of Dec, but only really started choosing to walk over knee walking early January. It's like one day she decided and has never looked back. I have a list of things I tried but I couldn't say with any confidence that it was due to anything I did. Instead I think she did it (like everything else) completely on her own terms.

My LO (just turned 19 months) only started walking independently less than a week ago. When I spoke to a HV in December they said the same, they weren't concerned because she would hold our hand and walk and use walkers etc. However, I found a big thing that helped was my partner and I just encouraging her to walk as much as possible. Whenever we could/can we take her hand and tell her to walk. She refused alot at first just by going down to the floor and crawling which we accepted and let her no problem but we always offered her to walk everywhere first if that makes sense. Also, my family is French and they believe strongly in giving babies shoes to help them walk. I was sceptical and tbf I don't think it made a big difference to her walking but we did buy her some Clarks pre walking shoes about 2 weeks ago and I think it does help a bit.

Just want to add, I think the nursery was wrong to say that to you. I work as an EYFS teacher and I think the way they've dealt with you as the parent is very shit tbh. You can only do so much to encourage LO to walk. At the end of the day, a medical professional (HV) has said they are not concerned so the nursery shouldn't be making you feel pressured or bad about your LO not moving to the next room. I've told you tips that worked for us but tbf we've been encouraging our LO to walk for a long time and she just didn't want to. Your LO might not want to for a while longer and I don't think you should feel forced to make them. Im sorry the nursery are giving you that guilt and stress which we all feel as mothers. Please ignore them about how your LO will be left behind or whatever bullshit. Listen to the medical professionals and trust your judgements as mummy!

@Grace I definitely think if they worded it that way that is completely wrong. However I think often the next room up isn't necessarily set up for babies who are still crawling? My little girl wasn't moved up until she was walking (although I would have happily kept her in the baby room forever) but I wasn't offended about that as I didn't want her surrounded by kids charging around/treading on her etc while she was only crawling about. @Nancy They definitely do all do it completely in their own time and once she is walking you won't remember her ever not ❤️

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