
Omg the tantrums send help. I’m tired of the meltdowns and flinging his favourite toys when angry or hitting his brother. I’m ready to run away
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Sending hugs. I often say I'm not going to speak to him until he stops screaming at me. Usually works. Also I'm here for cuddles when you're ready. Also need to use consequences and stick to it. You've hit your brother, that's not kind or acceptable, I will be removing xyz until you can be kinder, then walk away. Xx

Same. I’m coming with you!

@Lucy honest to god sometimes I think about walking out the door and leaving him with dad. I know that’s mean but I’m at my limits… funny he won’t share with his brother but today at nursery two girls were playing with the exact toy he hit his brother over that they took for him and he was just casually eating an apple watching and letting them. Like commmmon whyyyyyyyy. He also will play me and dad against each other so if he doesn’t get what he wants from one he screams for the other crying like someone is murderinf him

@Ruth see mine will have a full on meltdown and puke. So I’m not keen on the puke clean up on carpets and breaking everything in his room. I’m worried he’s turning into a real little monster

If it makes you feel better Oliver has become a different child in nursery. He's not listening at all , actually ignoring. I picked him up tonight and had a tantrum before I even got him away. Got outside and threw himself on the ground. He refused to get up so I picked him up. Like wrestling a crocodile. Had to sit him down as he's screaming. Asked him why he was so upset and he said he didn't want to go home because his house is scary and dangerous. Couple people were looking. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I can ensure you he lives in a loving home. He then said sorry and asked to be picked up. Then meltdown because I took his coat off for car and he threw himself on the ground as another car was parking up. I just wanted to cry. He's had no tv. Complete meltdown but now he's getting alexa to play his music. We are all in this together. You're a great mum xx

@Suzie they’re always different at nursery. My son’s nursery had a play day where parents could go in for an hour and honestly I thought I was watching the wrong child! He was sharing so well and being sooo polite, I was like why the hell can’t you be like this at home 🤣

Yeah it's constant here ..

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