Should I be worried

It’s always been a bit of joke between the family that my little one is in to everything and anything. She literally doesn’t sit still, always faffing and fiddling and if she is sat still she’s always looking for something to faff and fiddle with. She literally will not sit still. When I have thought about it when I attended baby classes other babies are nowhere near as ‘faffy ’ and will at least sit still for a minute. She’s extremely inquisitive and takes everything in, could it be this is just her way of learning?
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My little girl is exactly the same but she’s been like it since birth! I don’t see it as a negative. She won’t ever sit still unless she’s transfixed on the tv 🙈

Maybe it’s a girl thing, my little one has always been the same too! It just seems to get more intense the more mobile she gets 😂

My eldest was the same, always on the move. You wouldn't believe it now because he's a relatively chilled out 3.5 year old! My youngest is now all over the place just like the eldest was though 🫣 xxxx

My little boy doesn’t keep still either. From waking up to going to sleep at night, he is on the go and constantly looking for something to do. Every babies temperament is different. I’m not worried, he is learning so much by exploring and being inquisitive. I wouldn’t worry! 💞

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