Meeeee!!!! I was induced at 40 weeks exactly (October 2024, my babies now nearly 4 months this month) I had cooks balloon catheter, waters broken and the drip. I had an epidural but that failed and didn’t work. I went from 1-9cm in 4 hours then at 6 hours I was actively pushing but baby wouldn’t come down any more even though my pushing was really good. His heart rate was raised and they were a little worried and I thought “here we go they’re taking me for c section” but they suggested forceps and I agreed. We went to theatre and within 4 pushes and the forceps he was out! A very healthy baby boy born at 40 weeks +2 days. 8lb 7oz. Honestly I was so stressed about the whole thing but as long as you’re open and honest with the team you’re with and advocate for yourself you will be fine! 💕💕 just keep moving as much as you can that really helps things progress and the best thing is a birthing ball and counter pressure! Xx
My VBAC was induced 😊 I’m only 23 weeks now but more than likely this one will be induced too (hopefully another VBAC!)
You know you can refuse to be induced? I wish I was never induced. They said my baby was going to be huge and was going to be 92nd centile, but she came out 7.2 and is 25th centile. Take the measurements with a pinch of salt x