MIL’s comments

Hello everyone! I could really use some advice. I've got a 14-month-old daughter and a 3-month-old son. Things have been a bit crazy since my son was born as I literally had two under one. And now I have two under two. Also my husband works abroad every other month. So he is one months in the UK and one month abroad. So we invited my in laws from my home country to stay with us in the UK for couple of months to help with the children. They don’t work anyway and my husband covers literally all their expenses and provides for them. Since my son is a newborn, I naturally spend most of my time with him, while my MIL mainly helps with my toddler playing with her and sometimes feeding her. Most of the time when my daughter wants me to hold her I literally can’t as my newborn screams bloody murders and noone but me can calm him down 😞This has made me feel guilty and sad, as sometimes my daughter seems to prefer my MIL over me now. It can be hard to see my daughter choose her over me. My MIL seems to enjoy this situation and always try to highlight how my daughter prefers her. She also has occasionally made very weird comments. For example, she has said to my daughter when she wanted to be held “Oh, if I had milk in my boobies, I would give it to you, baby”. She has said it several times on different occasions but I didn’t reply anything. Today she also added “ Oh you even don’t know what boobies are, poor babies" referring to my choice to formula feed my children. Not that she breastfed her own. She also formula fed my husband and his sister. So my question really is. What would you do or reply in my place?
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I would send her home. I have 2 littles at home also, it’s hard but you can manage alone.

@Kass how do you manage it?! Can you give me some tips? It is literally impossible. They scream at the same time. I can’t leave her scream like that when I am with my son. My heart breaks for her. And also mealtimes. She won’t eat properly if we don’t spoonfeed her. And if I was alone my son would scream all the time when I would feed her. Also my husband works shifts abroad. So he is 1 month in the UK and 1 month abroad. This would leave me alone with 2 babies

Can you have your husband speak to her? Maybe he can get her to drop those comments. It’s so hard when you want to hold your littles and can’t for whatever reason- other child, work, illness, etc. and to have someone else making comments like that only adds to it. Make sure he understands how it is making you feel and then he needs to be the one to address it. I don’t have two but could you try wearing the younger one while helping the older one?

I have a 3 month old and a 17 month old. I exclusively nurse on demand so the youngest is quite literally attached to me 24/7. I baby wear A LOT. I go on car drives when they’re both being fussy and I feel myself losing patience. My oldest has always ate independently so he feeds himself for the most part, I just serve him on his plate. When the hubby is home on weekends I meal prep for the week. Big batch of veggie and chicken soup etc. so that way I just heat it up. I also use screen time which im not proud of but it saves me sometimes (to use restroom/heat up food/cut berries). I live out in the country where cars don’t drive by so if my oldest is getting overwhelming, we go on walks where he can just run to let out his energy. You should let your oldest practice feeding themselves. They might not eat it all but at that age, they should be practicing anyway in my opinion. Good luck!!

I would say try to start a routine with both of them and try to sync Atleast one of their naps together.. can also baby wear your son so you are able to move around and still give attention to your daughter. Can do some tummy time n play together.. I have 2 under 2 , a 20 month old and 8 month old. I have them all the time and most times alone. I know it’s intimidating being alone with them but u can definitely do it. I recommend routine n practicing them while ur mil is still there.. so not cold Turkey n can figure what works and what doesn’t. If your oldest has routine I would just adapt your son to hers.

If she makes the feeding boobies remark again I’d make her feel uncomfortable. I’d say “No you wouldn’t because she’s not your daughter and that would be very inappropriate for you to put your private chest area in her mouth especially without her mothers consent”

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