No. For that we would have to assume every marriage is of God or put together by God but that’s not true. God doesn’t use marriage for lessons either. Marriage is to big of a covenant for that. Your first marriage and many marriages aren’t ordained by God or necessarily God’s will. That’s part of the reason why many fail. When discussing divorce, Jesus said “what GOD put together, let no man separate”. Well first the question is “did God actually put it together?”. This is where I would encourage you to study marriage and covenants in the Bible. Marriage is supposed to represent God’s union to His people. The Bible does allow divorce in certain cases and remarriage. But many people have different views on that.
I've been remarried and this is the marriage God has ordained. 💛
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 and that’s the part I always question is “did GOD actually put it together”Is there a specific area in the Bible I can read about this? I’m very much new to reading the Bible Thank you❤️
@🌻Desy🌻 beautiful ❤️
@Gabrielle he was baptized catholic from his family. But he says he aligns more with Christian values. I didn’t get baptized when I was younger I made that appointment for myself to and as Christian as a adult. Idk if that makes any difference
Why would that make a difference for when you get married or divorced? Did he get baptized as a baby or an adult
I honestly don't believe in soul mates and the one for you etc. I believe in principle so if you make a covenant and your partner doesn't break the terms of that covenant then you stand by it because whether you want to quote follow your heart or not you made a covenant and a promise is a promise that's why you don't say I do whilly nilly make sure you mean it today and in twenty years you can still honestly say yeah I still mean that but I'm also the kind of person who wouldn't break promises to just about anyone because if I start lying then it's me who's becoming untrustworthy Im damaging my name and character and I'm not willing to do that I'm not willing to become a lesser person who I wouldn't respect in my own heart
Rhe Bible doesn’t say much about God putting people together specifically. However, it’s up to each individual to seek God before marrying someone. If you didn’t seek God and you got married, it doesn’t matter if it was His will or not. You made a commitment and a covenant and you have to stick by it, unless you have biblical grounds for divorce or your spouse dies
I do believe in divorce if the person is being unreasonable or abusive . I do not think god would want you to be in that situation
I do believe if you two are equally yoked like it says in 2 Corinthians 6 yes I do believe till death do you part. Husbands should be vetted and we ourselves. But unfortunately there’s some married who’s not equally yoked and it’s better to live in peace
Yes mine till death do us part, as long as two people want to be together they make it work, God created this institution for a lifetime, its not for learning purposes,
I’m not sure but I do know that you can be forgiven. So sometimes things happen and people end up getting divorced for actual biblical okay reasons or for reasons just cuz. Or maybe they become Christians after divorcing either way you can be forgiven and I think that would be okay.