I hear you, mama! I hit 176 during pregnancy and dropped to 138 pounds (less than my pre-pregnancy weight) within two weeks. I felt exactly the same way. Now, six months postpartum, I’m still shedding hair like crazy!
I just shaved it off and it's the best decision I've ever made
@Sarah I thought about that, but I do not have the confidence enough to do it sadly
I have only 1/3rd hair left. Peak loss at month 3-5 post partum.
Oh man. Yeah hair loss is very real. I had my first son born in 2022 and we don’t remember this much loss. I think the second time is a lot of hair loss for me and other moms I hear about too. Fatigue I’m not sure, but I’d double check w a doctor who’s familiar w parenting and possibly if you’re nursing.
that's how much I lost three different showers