@Sophie 14 months xx
Sorry I don’t have much advice then, my daughter is 13 months and a boob monster! I was going to suggest putting plasters over your nipples and telling her they’re poorly but she probably wouldn’t understand that as well as an older baby would. Could you maybe try and transition to dad doing bed time and just switch up the routine all together x
We tried feeding extra meals in the day so she was really full and would sleep a bit longer at night and reduced the feeds one by one. I still breastfeed her to sleep when I put her to bed but then my partner goes in and settles her the next time she wakes up so reduced them one by one. But she does still wake up and tricky to settle her. Find my partner can settle her much easier
The breastfeeding network have a free helpline where they can talk to you about gentle weaning
How old is baby? Xx