Hope you’re ok my lovely. Pop me a message if you want to chat ❤️
In the least offensive way possible you should get a therapist
Aww I am sorry to hear you had no luck. I did meet a couple of moms on here but indeed not as easy. That said most of mom friends I made were through baby classes like sensory class, or baby massage classes etc. maybe worth trying some around the area and hopefully get to meet some local moms face to face. I am sorry you feel lonely. Message me if interested in chatting to someone
@Asha you saying this because u never experienced type same feeling I have , where I miss my mother every day unfortunately I can’t do nothing about it she died 2015 and I have my dad along with my sisters in different country. So if the therapist would help with this it would but I tried because I’m home sick and I can’t offered to relocate again specially with child . So thanks but thanks
You’re assuming that I haven’t felt loneliness But what else you’re describing sounds like perinatal depression and ppd They only suggested that you move back home? That’s not a good therapist at all A good therapist can help you break down strategies to forming relationships Clearly peanut isn’t working what are some other strategies to use Why haven’t the strategies you’ve been using worked etc etc
I hope you're alright. I use app mainly for the forums and I've had a few private chats. The friend matching part is a good idea in theory but I don't think it works. It's hard to know if you'll hit it off with someone based on a photo. And even when the chat starts off good it usually dries up pretty quickly. Even with the best intentions to get out and meet with people, it's low on peoples' list of priorities when we've all got young kids and perhaps jobs. Try not to take it personally and take care of yourself.x
Maybe it’s your area? I’ve met a few moms and became really good friends with some cool women. They exist. Like everything in life, you get what you give.
I'm sorry you have had this experience so far. As one wallflower to another you have to learn to be happy with just yourself first and foremost. It's not easy and takes work. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and treat yourself to things like a nice coffee or lunch in the park. As an adult you will meet people through shared interests. Take a class on something you enjoy and make friends. It's definitely a skill that I feel most people are never taught. I'm on here mostly to find playdates and for the forums. I don't need friends but if I happen to make some that's great. Friendships take time and work. We are all pressed for time and usually have little to give so I think that's why it's harder for Moms. It took me almost a year to make a local connection and another good friend futther away. Keep trying 🫶🏻
I'm happy to chat if you decide to stick around.
My point exactly, I get notifications of women looking for support for their health issues, and as a wellness strategist, I have posted here several times rendering my support, as a menopausal 54 year old woman what has supported me through my journey is a game changer that I don’t want to keep to myself, I get community guidelines notifications, I find it quite heartbreaking.
I’m 35 and I feel the same!
I no wat mean we in same boat or ask meet up it's like talking brick wall
Im so sorry ! I hope your okay 😢 x