All in your head. What you’ve said is normal. My LG is 15 months and also not walking but same as you will cruise around the floor, furniture take a few steps here and there, will say a few worlds and babbles. My boy who is 3 in a few months and only just really talking properly and even then it’s not 100% fully, proper speaking. Enough for me to understand how but maybe not enough for someone else too. I wouldn’t worry and don’t compare as every baby is different. You’re doing a good job and they will get there
@Cassie I have tons of friends who have babies and I’m like why isn’t he doing that but honestly my one friend is a child teacher and the other one is a girl so honestly maybe I’ve been to hard on myself and maybe I’m stressing my lo out by constantly getting on him about stuff idk Ive never babysat a day in my life until my son turned 13 months so I have no idea what I’m doing most days I find myself crying bc I don’t know what I’m doing wrong thanks for the reassurance
@Cassie & honestly am I the only one who thinks some people may it out to seem like there los can do so much more then they can because I swear my one friend does this
@Marion ♥️ I’m glad I can relate to someone
It's very stressful to be in charge of someone's whole development. I definitely understand the anxiety. I think just being stressed that you aren't doing enough is a good sign that you're doing a great job. Feel free to message me if you ever need reassurance or just wanna bounce ideas off of me or just chit chat.
His speech is definitely not delayed. They don't usually start talking properly until closer to 2 years old, so you have got a long time until you need to worry just yet.
The one phrase my girl can say is ‘help me’ 🤣 all cos that’s it’s soemthing my toddlers started, soon as he needs soemthing it’s help me help me and she’s clicked on. She can be in her high chair, bed and be a bit grumpy and she’s like ‘help me, help me’ and she’ll literally just be chilling 🤣 I defo wouldn’t worry, just encourage things and it comes. My HV told me they don’t worry about walking untill 18 months and said then they’d be referred to physio but said because she’s trying to walk she’s not a concern and probably just lach confidence. She said she found folk who have laminate flooring they babies take longer to walk as they don’t have confidence as it’s slide. 🤷🏼♀️ (I do have laminate) my boy didn’t start walking untill 13 months
You can only do so much at once! You've been practicing motor skills and he's been making progress, now switch your focus to language and see what kind of progress you can make. Honestly, baby is learning all day every day, just give him good exposure, and he'll come along. Narrate things you're doing and what objects are and how you're using them. Consider a few simple signs so baby can communicate too. Most important, keep reading to him and try to read a few good quality books every day. If he mostly likes peekaboo books or touch and feel books right now, that's ok do those too, but try to find 1 or 2 that have a short story, and/or a character. If you aren't seeing progress after a few months, talk about it at your next pediatrician visit. Mama instinct is real, but from your description, he sounds lovely, and it's probably in your head. 🙂
It's not delayed at all, my son started speaking since he turned 16 months. Until then he was only saying mama and dada, maybe give sometimes when he wanted something, but in the past month his speech really started to come through. And in baby groups I've seen similar for babies his age, they only start talking more 16 months +. So don't beat yourself up, he will start speaking soon enough and then every day he will learn new words he will repeat over and over again
That doesn't feel delayed to me 14 months is still so young and especially for a boy. Idk why but alot of boys take a bit longer to reach milestones like walking and talking. Also I don't know a 14 month old that does listen to no or stop. they don't really have the ability to understand the situation. Since he can follow directions maybe go with a "hands up" when you dont want him touching stuff or like "1 2 3 eyes on me" when you want his attention.