waking up every hour at night!

hey mammas! I need help, I think I am losing my mind. my son is waking up every hour at night and asking for boobie. It’s been going on almost for 3+ weeks I don’t remember exactly, all days and nights feels the same. what do you think it might be? first few days I thought it might be sleep regression but can It last that long? he is 4 months today🫠
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My son stopped sleeping thru the night and started doing these things at 5 months old . Not waking up every hour anymore but doesn’t sleep thru the night still he’s 10 months now

I know it’s hard but I would suggest topping him up with 30ml of formula. My baby was like this in the hospital for days and this was the only thing that helped. Now I combi feed for my own sanity haha

My son is almost 8 months & still does this 😭

Interesting! What time is regular bed time

Do you co sleep

@Shemi it’s 10pm. he used to wake up once or maximum twice for feed, but now he is waking up every hour 🥲 yes, we co sleep now since he started it. before he used to sleep in his own cot

@Assiya wow ! Ok so how is your diet what are you eating ? Maybe the quality of breast milk isn’t sticking so for me I’ve never experienced a baby of mine wake up at night so I can’t imagine how you feeling right now ! These are things that can cause post partum depression! Lack of rest so maybe you can pump and give him a bottle and add a little baby rice or oatmeal to thicken your milk that will hold him longer throughout night

@Assiya also bundling him up

Its the 4 month sleep regression Im sorry mama hang in there. Its definitely the worst sleep regression but you’re almost done with the sleep regressions

@Shemi your diet doesn’t have an effect on the quality or composition of breastmilk (unless baby has an allergy to something you eat). It’s also a myth that breastmilk isn’t enough for them, and that giving a bottle of formula will help them sleep better. Unfortunately some babies wake frequently no matter how they are fed. Baby sleep isn’t linear, there will be regressions and disruptions for at least the first year. @Assiya regressions can last weeks unfortunately. My first baby woke hourly but his sleep improved when we moved him into his own room. It’s tough but it will get better x

Actually your diet does have an effect on the quality of breast milk you produce ! @Jessica if you’re not eating properly that has an effect on your production as well. If you eat crappy the quality of milk won’t be a robust as someone with a more balanced diet!

@Shemi where is your evidence for this? La Lèche League states otherwise: “Myth: If a woman has a poor diet the quality of her milk will not be good enough Breastmilk is a living substance that evolves in sync with the needs of a baby at every feed. It contains vital nutrients, immunity building cells and stem cells, food for healthy gut bacteria and many other health factors that cannot be replicated. These do not change with an individual’s diet. People who experience famine conditions still produce milk providing optimal nutrition for their babies.” https://laleche.org.uk/breastfeeding-and-a-mothers-diet-myths-and-facts/

My baby tried to do this but I would offer a pacifier and half the time that would be good for him!

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