Wait until she’s ready? Your due date is just an estimate not an exact thing
38 weeks is early! 39-40 is considered full term and 41-42 weeks post-term. Currently 40+1 with baby 2 so I feel you lol but she will probably come closer to 40 weeks. Good luck 🍀♥️
Please be careful with castor oil. Baby could poop and ingest meconium
Im also exact same right now! 38 and 5 just got checked and im like 1cm and 60 percent effaced. Just going to keep waiting til she’s ready. They said they would do induction if I wanted but like other ppl said its still kind of early for such drastic measures for me personally
Trust me I get the desperation tho but we made it this far
girl i feel you ! 39 weeks today and im only 1.5 cm dilated 70%effaced since my last appointment but ive been having bad contractions for a few days so tmmr ill get checked again and see when he wants to come but that induction date will be scheduled as well 😭
Apparently intercourse+ forward leaning inversions can help but I honestly think it's up to the universe and the bb
My first came 40 weeks 4 days and my second was 40 weeks 1day! They come when they’re ready. Your body and baby will let you know when it’s time.
@Romy Or aspirate on it which is much worse
@Florencia is it hard to breastfeed your baby while pregnant? Do you lose milk supply?
@ReBeL🪽 I wasn’t breastfeeding my toddler when I got pregnant, but I know people who did/do and it’s possible! Just consult with a lactation specialist and obviously your baby’s pediatrician 💛
38 weeks is still early. Baby girl just isn’t ready yet. No need to force her.
38 weeks is early? Why are you trying to force labor … I won’t ever understand these post - let babe grow love / 39weeks is term (not sure when 37weeks came to play because that is not full term at all)
@Romy this! Castor oil is not rec at all
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@Brooklin I know. But some people still use it. I get that by the end we are so ready for them to be born. We get very uncomfortable but the best thing we can do is let them come in their own time. There are other things that help with positioning baby and helping you dilate that are safe for mom and baby. Castor oil is not worth the risks at all
Hi! It sounds normal, baby will probably come around 40w if not after. You’ll have to be patient! Good luck ☺️