Period after birth ?

Hello! I am 2 month postpartum and got my period on Saturday! It stared light brown spotting then through out the day it started getting read and heavier also before my period started I got pain in my armpit. It looks swollen and it’s only on my right side. I pump and breastfeed so I don’t think it’s my milk. Anyway how long did your first period after birth last? And did anyone get armpit pain before they got their period or during it ? I read that it could be hormonal changes and I am still breastfeeding and pumping. Should I be concerned ? I just need help having so much anxiety!
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I’ve always had this even before pregnancy- swollen lumps nodes I think

@Lauren it feels swollen and it hurts when I press down ! At night I pump only once and I feel like it’s so much worse when I don’t release milk. I also feel like a lump but then during the day it’s not there. How do you deal with it and how long is it there for ?

I don’t breastfeed… I cant .. for me I’m just saying even before pregnancy I would get a swollen lymph node and my breast tissue is also more dense so they just hurt- nothing it would go away on its own- however if I was breastfeeding I’d probably ask my dr or midwife as it could be something clogged and maybe the lymph node means infection? It might not but it could..

I’m on my second period Now tho and let me tell you- it’s insanely heavy… like bleeding through stuff I asked my best friend who is 6 months pp and she said her first two were like this too- I think it’s common- increase your iron- it’s what I’m doing

I got mine 6 weeks on the dot almost, I was so disappointed. I am Breast feeding as well luck of the draw I guess. No armpit pain though

Sounds like mastitis and your period. Mine lasted for 7 days

@Shawntay but when I pump and breastfeed I don’t have any pain. I don’t have any redness or warmth in my breast. Wouldn’t mastitis have those symptoms? I should clarify that my breast are fine I don’t have any pain or redness it’s just my armpit that is hurting/swollen.

I had my first period right at 6 weeks and my god it was insanely heavy. Like bleeding thru stuff. I don't remember any of my periods after delivery being that heavy. Started Monday ended Thursday came back for a couple hrs Saturday and that was it. I'm about to have my 2nd one here in the next day or 2. (I can feel it coming with my mood swings and irritability) I'm afraid to see how bad this one is

@Joye yes I am too and so was my friend- apparently this is normal post Partum the first few months

@Ashley it doesn’t really matter- that’s why this isn’t a good method for birth control

Yes @ale you are correct. You would have one of those symptoms . Do you still have arm pain ?? I will say not every woman goes thru the same thing pp ! So it could be normal ! If I get the same answer from multiple moms then I would brush it off as normal ! Unless you are hurting bad then I would make an appointment with the obgyn !

@Shawntay so my period is becoming lighter and I haven’t felt the pain or discomfort but I did make an appointment just to make sure it’s a hormonal thing and nothing to serious! I appreciate everyone’s opinion it helped me a lot ❤️

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