7 month old naps

Does anyone else's just turned 7 month old baby still take 4 naps a day? There's been times he has done 3 naps per day but very rare, I keep seeing everyone saying their baby at 7 months does 2/3 naps per day but I just feel like my baby isn't ready to drop a nap ? Also he wakes up at sometimes 5.45am so feel like 3 naps a day wouldn't be enough, and his naps are only around half an hour to 45 mins each.. feel slightly overwhelmed that I'm doing something wrong, I never felt this stress around sleep with my first🥱
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My LG is 7&half months, has 2 naps for 20/30 minutes! I don’t think that’s near enough because she’s always grumpy and clearly tired still but refuses sleep she’s definitely a FOMO baby! I know people who’s little ones naps for 2+ hours in the day so if you have x4 30 mins that’s only 2 hours of napping for the full day which I think is normal, they are still small so need sleep! X

There is so much stuff online about baby sleep! I am right there with you on the pressures of making sure your baby gets enough sleep... It's a mindfield! If your baby is happy and thriving then I don't think there is anything wrong with him taking 4 naps! 🤷‍♀️It doesn't sound like he is sleeping longer than he needs to during the day. You could have a look at wake windows and when he goes down for the night if you feel that his wake up time is too early but otherwise I bet he will drop to fewer naps when he is ready. X

My LO also is only sleeping g for one sleep cycle 30/45mins. I usually do 3 naps, but do 4 if the timing would mean too long of a wake window before bed. Her morning wake window is 1hr45-2 hours, then 2.5-3 hours for the rest

My LO is also 7 months and still taking 4 naps some days, we can sometimes manage 3 but like you he only sleeps for 20-40 mins at a time 🤷🏻‍♀️

Exactly the same here, it’s completely normal and every baby is different!

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