How long will it last😓😅 and I did think of doing that but I have no time to pump🤦♀️
Could you baby wear in the moments where she’s not feeding. At least that can give you some hands free time. And it usually last a few days x
A wearable pump could be helpful. I'm working on getting my baby back to the breast after she spent 5 days in the hospital and had to be given breast milk by bottle to stay under the warmer so being able to pump while feeding her a bottle of expressed milk or doing laundry, etc, has really helped. Hopefully this phase with your little one is short.
Persist if you can at all, I know it’s a killer, but you can do it. Follow this lactation consultant on insta. She’s very positive and keeps me going
It’s normal at 10 weeks they go through a growth spurt. But if you’re wanting to stop have you debated mixing formula and BM together and slowly increase and decrease the ratio of the other? D