Debating stopping breastfeeding but I don’t even know how to stop

My baby is 10 weeks old and just constantly wants my boob. She will not settle for anyone other than me and most the time she uses my boob as a dummy. I’m happy to let her use me for comfort but I have a 2 year old to look after too and it’s extremely hard with her just on me constantly. Even if I want a shower, my partner will hold her but she just screams until my boob is in her mouth. We give her formula too but she will barely drink any and if she does, she wants my boob straight after. I have no time to pump, clean or cook let alone take care of my toddler or myself for that matter. She also doesn’t want to be put down, ever.. she only wants contact naps and I’ve had to result in co sleeping despite me not wanting to. I’ve tried giving her a dummy but she just gags. I’m at my wits end 😓 if I did choose to stop, how do I go about it?
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It’s normal at 10 weeks they go through a growth spurt. But if you’re wanting to stop have you debated mixing formula and BM together and slowly increase and decrease the ratio of the other? D

How long will it last😓😅 and I did think of doing that but I have no time to pump🤦‍♀️

Could you baby wear in the moments where she’s not feeding. At least that can give you some hands free time. And it usually last a few days x

A wearable pump could be helpful. I'm working on getting my baby back to the breast after she spent 5 days in the hospital and had to be given breast milk by bottle to stay under the warmer so being able to pump while feeding her a bottle of expressed milk or doing laundry, etc, has really helped. Hopefully this phase with your little one is short.

Persist if you can at all, I know it’s a killer, but you can do it. Follow this lactation consultant on insta. She’s very positive and keeps me going

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