What skills have your babies learnt during their regression?

Mine has learnt that everything deserves a little scratchy scratch
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Scritchy scratch, rolling, holding own bottle (with a little help), found his voice (squealing and growling)

Same and also blowing raspberries 😆

Sticking tongue out and putting it to her top lip

Scratching anything and everything, rolling front to back, rolling back to side but not fully onto front yet, blowing raspberries, holding own bottle, leg slamming, reaching, grabbing and holding, laughing at his reflection in mirror, constant talking… (well babbling 🤣) oh and telling me off if I take him off the boob to early!!

Scratching, squealing, holding bottle, loves looking in the mirror, has noticed his feet (which is adorable) Not rolled yet but is turning his head like he wants to

Giggling, so much giggling!!!!

The squealing 😂 I love it

Scratchy scratch, squealing, rubbing feet together, nearly learnt how to blow raspberries and now she likes to shuffle up the changing mat and lift her bum up. Which make nappy changes 10times harder now as she’s always moving 😂

Blowing raspberries, giggling, babbling and pulling hair (now I rock the mum bun as she was pulling loads out so I kept finding hair everywhere)

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