3yo terrible sleeper
Hi! I thought I'd be past this stage by now but my 3yo sleeps about 8hrs at night between midnight and 8am and takes a big 2hrs nap in the daycare. I leave for work early, so I'm up by 6am. I feel like a zombie. I cannot go on from 6am till midnight without a nap which I cannot do. So exhausted. She's always been a bad sleeper. I tried talking to daycare to cut down nap time but they say they cannot change it. 😴 Does anybody have this problem? I guess I am only looking for solidarity at this point. I know I can't solve this problem. Just letting it pass.
Many daycares will let you have a cutoff for naps, limit them to an hour etc. Maybe try talking to them again? We also have a terrible sleeper, it's rough, hang in there!