My first stopped at 3 months cos we went on holiday my second was until 2 and she wanted nothin but bread milk. And my third I wasn’t producing enough milk to satisfy her so she lasted 2 months and that killed me
How many feeds is she having? Could you try dropping a feed one by one over a period of time? Usually easier to drop day ones as you can distract them. With my eldest I started feeding only in a specific “breastfeeding chair”. Think that helped him expect it less as he couldn’t see the chair all the time! To stop at night (my son was 18m) I changed the bedtime routine so he would feed before story (rather than feeding to sleep) and that helped break the association between boob and sleep during the night. I also started doing that bedtime feed in a different room (in the bf chair!) so he associated it less with the bedroom. Lastly I made a cosy snuggly corner for us to have a special time before bed with stories etc when I finally stopped - it was more for me than him to be honest and we only used it a couple of times! Stopping for us went really smoothly, no tears at all. Not sure if it’s the things above, his temperament or we were both just ready. Good luck, hope it goes well
I breastfeed my little girl until she was 2, but I think stopping breastfeeding is a conscious decision you want to make 😩 When my little girl turned 14-15 months I stop breast feeding in the day time and gave her snacks and baby food but only breast feed her for nap times in the day, there was lots of tears but you have say no if you really want to stop. Night time is where I really struggled because she would breastfeed during the night. But only recently I stop she’s only just turned 2 but you have just have to say no! I hope this helped a bit