Worth recording the contractions in an app. I was in early labour for 24 hours, sent home from hospital 2 times. Only thing that helped was monitoring, contractions interval started with 30-40 mins down to 3 min (fully dilated by then) in the last hour. Luckily the hospital was only 15 mins drive away at past midnight.
Is it like cramps ?
Labor and braxton hicks are different for everyone. But in my experience, braxton hicks felt like a tight hug that could be uncomfortable at times and could either be regular or irregular and last forever. I was in early labor for 2 days and thought I just had a backache, and conveniently, I had a prenatal appointment the day of and my Dr. told me I was having regular contractions 3 to 5 minutes apart. 5 hours later, I was in active labor and dilated to 7cm, throwing up in my husband's hands while the midwife scurried for vomit bags🤣🤣💯 They say you'll know, but sometimes you just don't until something like that happens. Lmfao.