On the every noise waking you up, are you playing white noise? We play the sound of the ocean pretty loud from 10ish feet away at night and it’s so soothing and covers a lot of the little baby noises :)
You’ll likely always wake up to their noises but look at that as a good thing. Your body is just on high alert to keep the life it just created alive. It really does get better as they age with the crying and figuring out what they want or need. Until they can communicate it’s a guessing game. It’s frustrating to get the hang of. do you have a partner that can help you?
With my first I would cry at night when I couldn’t get her to sleep then one day around 3 months I got her to sleep easily and felt so good about it. But for these rough times if you have a partner that can take over even for 5-10 minutes to give you a break (even if baby is crying) that might help your sanity during it.
Look up a video of the 5 baby cries… it actually works and helped me soooooo much also remember sometimes babies just want to be held and bounced and it sometimes takes a little for them to be soothed (because being sat down for 50 seconds is just soooooo traumatic) they cry for everything little thing cause that’s all they know how to do. And it actually will come me to you. We got this mama! 💜🩵 About the sleep thing idk cause my son is 11 weeks and he could fart and I’m immediately awake 🤣😫