@Ashleigh thankyou I have LOADS of stuff on there including girls clothes brand new including joules , jojo maman bebe.
If you’re not uploading every couple of days it’s harder for people browsing to find your stuff. Do you have bundle discounts on? Might need to reassess your photos/ pricing? I definitely go through periods where I’m selling regularly and then a bit of a slump.
@Charlotte thankyou I am uploading regularly like 3/4 times a week and yes bundle discount is on and thankyou 😊
Would it worth boosting your listing's if you have alot of stuff?
@Tracey I have done already x
I sold a bundle today but I upload every couple of days and have recently taken everything off to repost them
Can be. I struggle to sell baby clothes. I think its just because it's flooded with them unless it's designer stuff.