
Baby girl has learnt to stand and pull herself up which is amazing but not at bedtime. She just won't go down for her naps or bedtime. It's just taken an hour for her to go down. Everytime she stood up I had to go in so she didn't fall and hurt herself. She's now must be overtired having been up for 4 hours, so will probably be up all night and I have work. Send help! Anyone else in the same boat? Any tips? Xx
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I have no tips, but I’m just here to say we’re going through the exact same thing with our 10 month old now she can pull herself up and stand she tried to put her feet on the bars of the cot and push herself up, then slips and cries so we’re in the same boat, she used to go bed at half 6, now it’s taking us till nearly midnight some nights to get her to fall asleep, because it’s a screaming match when you take her off climbing the cot and lay her down, so just another mum who knows your stress lol 😩❤️

Solidarity 👊😩🫠 How has she been sleeping, once she is asleep? X

We are the exact same! X

@Katie What are you doing when your baby does this? Lay them back down repeatedly, rock them, leave them? X

aw what a rockstar! it helps to let them knacker themselves during the day, so encourage lots of standing and pulling to tire out their muscles. The fun of a new skill will fade in a couple days and sleep will go back to normal 😊 x

@Lucy laying back down repeatedly at the moment hoping he eventually tires himself out. Trying to avoid getting him out as he will, for sure, wake up as soon as I put him back down if he falls asleep in my arms. Sleep in general is a sham at the moment and has been for a few weeks! X

@Katie ditto! My baby girl seems to be getting her top teeth, all fours one after another 🫠 so what is sleep at this point 😫

@Laci aww thank you 🥰 I'm super proud of her but just difficult at bedtime haha. I hope it'll only be a few days! I keep her practicing the skill in the day as much as possible. Thank. X

Exact same situation just put her to sleep and she's up wanting to practice her standing and climbing. Solidarity ❤️

@Lucy he’s just gone to sleep about 20 mins ago after about an hour and half of persevering 🙃 how you getting on? We’ve had 2 top side teeth come through together last week and his first proper cough and cold. Add that to him learning to crawl properly and pulling up and sleep has gone out the window x

My little girl will stand up every night at bedtime I just feed/rock to sleep and if that fails I just leave her be, last night after an hour she sat up got her teddy nodded off and just flopped down and stayed there all night 🤣x

I'm not ready for this! My daughter can't do this yet, but she's a co-slept baby and none of my others were so this will be a nightmare!

I’ve had to put bedtime back half an hour. So she’s really tired and then goes straight to sleep hahah

@Katie she took over an hour last night. I must of laid her down 10 times and she went to sleep three times for 5 minutes and then woke back up 😫 how'd tonight go? X

@Shannon so cute 😍 🧸

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@Libby Florence my baby girl was a coslept baby too until she turned 7 months. Although since she's had 4 teeth coming through recently she has ended up in bed with me 🫠

@Leigh good tip!

@Lucy oh bless her! I feel your pain. Was speaking to one of the mums at baby group today and she has a boy similar age to ours and she’s in exactly the same boat! Just managed to get him off to sleep in about 20 mins but I was practically lay in his cot 😂 bent over the bars with my head on his shhing him for him to go to sleep 🙈 still currently sat by his side because he’s stirring so much! He was up every hour last night until I put him in bed with me about 4am 🙃 x

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