
I have a 3 month old (adjusted age 2 months) who still haven’t seemed to have gotten the hang of day and night. He’ll sleep for a chunk of the day and be impossible to keep awake no matter what, I have tried everything at this point and will struggle sleeping during the night. The last couple of nights I’ve had to lay on the sofa with him to get him to sleep but tonight he is just not settling in his cot, or on me like he normally does, he will just cry as soon as I try and settle him. Has anyone else experienced this and have any tips and tricks? He is getting plenty of sunlight during the day and our room is dark at nights so I can’t see that being an issue
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My little girl is 2 months and things I’ve always done and she seems to know the difference is at night she will have her bedtime bottle upstairs in a dark room with white noise on and just a dimmed red light. I put her in her sleeping bag and she seems to know that’s when it’s bed time, I don’t speak or anything either as she will then think it’s time for her to be awake. We get up at 5:30 every morning, she will have her bottle downstairs and then I will interact with her. She does sleep long hours throughout the day but only up until about 4/5pm then i get her bathed and into her pjs and she just automatically knows it’s nearing her bedtime as she just won’t settle downstairs till I take her up. Every baby is different though, I introduced routine very early on because I just can’t function without one 🤣 it’s all trial and error, babies will just fight sleep xx

The Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford - amazing!

Their circadian rhythm isn't fully developed until they are 6 months. Some babies get there quicker than that. The only advice i could give is to make sure daytime naps are different from nighttime ones. Like daytime is in light with music or household noises, nighttime is dark and more relaxed. I understand you say he can't be kept awake but still try to wake him after 2-2.5 hours even if just for 30-40 mins

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