
Im a first time mom, I have no experience with babies. I’m having a really hard time. I’m feeling so depressed. I’ve noticed lots of negative feelings when she latches on like cringey, depressed, hopeless. My girl doesn’t not like to be on her back. She hasn’t slept in the bassinet since the first night she was born on the 12th. My and my fiancé have been taking shifts or I sleep inclined with her in the wrap on my chest. We’re both tired. We keep fighting. Any advice? Any words to give me hope? Any honesty I need to hear?
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Things will get better the more you do something the more she will expect it. Have a baby is hard and bring out the best and sometimes the worst due to lack of sleep. I'm pregnant rn with my second and it's hard. Just know you're doing great. As far as arguing, when the conversation has become to much pause and ask for a min. Let him know what you're going through calmly. Let him do the same.

Being a mom, especially a new one is so lonely even though you are not alone in feeling that way. It’s hard, stressful, and very emotional. Make sure to talk to someone who may understand. Our partners can be amazing but they dont always get it. Tell your doctor they can also guide you to find help. As for negative feelings when breastfeeding, some women feel extremely sad when they let down it’s called Dysphoric Milk Ejection. I’m not sure how to help it but it’s nice to know what you are feeling is “normal”. Just know the adjustment to being a mom is hard but I promise you do adjust and figure out your new normal eventually. As for fighting with your partner, that’s normal. Being the parent that is in charge of more is hard, especially when you are on the breastfeeding schedule and they can’t help you feed the baby. Have you thought about pumping so they can do bottles?

Are you breast feeding or feeding by the bottle

I was the same way with my first son 2 years ago. I was a first time mom and my brother had got killed 7 days after my son was born I felt very sad and depressed, suicidal, etc! I just wanna let you know it’s going to get better be strong. Look in the mirror say positive things to yourself. If you have a village don’t be afraid to ask for help especially being that this is your first time. I just had my baby I am breast feeding and I wasn’t productive with milk she wasn’t latching on right my nipples were sore and raw. I sought some help they helped me latch her right and gave me a breast pump I am doing 1000 times better my children’s father helps. In the beginning he didn’t understand after I had my c/section but he has been cleaning and helping with our children. He was horrible to me the first pregnancy but he is doing better with our second child. You got this

@Dajia breast feeding

@Dajia Im so sorry for your loss thank you for the encouragement and advice

@Kelsey it does feel very lonely, everyone else is so happy and I feel like a bad mom because I’m not all the time. I feel bad when I get frustrated or cry. I researched the DME and it makes sense. It’s nice to know others have it even if it doesn’t stop the sadness. I breast feed, if I pump and do a bottle will it mess with my production? should I pump right before feeding and use that milk so it mimics the schedule ?

Thank you ladies 🖤

My lactation consultant told me when I start bottles make sure to pump in place of every bottle so whether you have a small stash to start with (even just one bottle worth) always pump in place of baby nursing so you don’t skip a feed. If you don’t have stimulation from baby or the pump then your body will think it doesn’t need to make more milk. I’m breastfeeding right now but have a freezer stash just from pumping in the middle of the night if she’s sleeping longer (she has gained her weight back to her birth weight and pediatrician checked off her sleeping as long as she wants at night), or I’ll empty myself after a nursing session sometimes during the day. So you can start bottle feeding with a stash then pump OR like what you said and pump before feeding a bottle with what you pumped. Also it’s okay to be happy and sad. I have definitely been both at the same time with both of my kids. Sometimes crying helps sometimes just getting outside is great for your head. 🤍

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