baby sleep theory

i’m not saying this in true or false but it something i was told by a sleep expert. just wanted peoples thoughts or opinions... babies who wake up often become more independent sleeping babies as they get older. babies who have slept through the night since was younger in their bassinet become worse sleepers when they’re older. babies who often wake up in the night now know that you will always be there to attend to every need in the middle of the night, so they have more trust to go to sleep on their own when they’re older and sleep better as they know mum will always be there to answer that every need. babies who have always slept well/slept through haven’t yet had any experience this at night time as they get older they tried to struggle with independent sleep a little more, and will likely have more wake ups and upsets.
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I’ve never heard this before but my daughter who is nearly 2 woke a lot when she was a baby (every 3 hours). She started to sleep better around the age of 1. She’s now a really good sleeper, only wakes if she’s feeling poorly and she knows she can sleep with us x

My first baby could self-settle and sleep through from 5 months, she's 3 now and has been a great sleeper since. October baby can self-settle (not entirely consistently yet but maybe 90% of the time now, bedtime can be difficult). He still wakes 1-2 times a night but can sleep through, he has the last 2 nights. He seems very similar to his sister so 🤞🏽

My friends baby who is nearly 3 now slept through from 3 months old and she has slept through every single night since then! Except a couple of nights where she was ill and called for mummy once or twice. That’s it! They are so bloody lucky 😅

Interesting theory! True in my case with first- poor sleeper in first year and fed/ rocked back to sleep every 2,-3 hours. Slept through the night since about 18 months. Now almost 3. Definitely true that they have more trust and confidence when you attend to them. Imo Ferber; cry it out method can be really damaging to babies.

@Verity for sure, the baby is crying for a reason and those methods essentially show the baby that their needs for comfort won’t necessarily be met and to stop trying. there’s lots of research on it to explain the same!

I'm lucky that both of my girls are good sleepers and have been since they were young. My 2 year old sleeps 8pm-9am everyday unless she's ill ect and she has slept through the night since she was 6 months old! I also have a 4 month old and she sleeps really good stretches (could change though)! Xx

My son self soothed and slept through the night from 6 weeks and has never stopped. He’s almost 2 and sleeps a full 12 hours and 2 hours during the day with no issue putting himself to sleep. Even with teething or illness it’s never an issue. My daughter is 4 months and has slept through from 4 weeks but sometimes needs a cuddle to go down but generally is pretty good at self soothing too x

I hope it’s true! My almost 3mo wakes 3/4 times per night but seems to be getting worse. Yesterday I counted 7 times between feedings and comfort wakings.

Never heard this, but my first has always been an excellent sleeper and slept through from the age of 8 weeks pretty consistently, never had a bad sleep regression or anything. Meanwhile, my second is currently the complete opposite haha

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